Also known as a buttock lift or gluteoplasty, a butt lift can transform your derriere if it’s sagging – either because you’ve lost a lot of weight, it's become slacker as you've got older or just because it’s genetically predisposed to do so.
Preparing for Butt Lift:
Find a photograph that represents how you would like your backside to look after your surgery.
Compile a list of all of your questions and concerns about your butt lift.
Have information about allergies, chronic conditions, and weight fluctuations.
Average length of stay abroad: 1 week
One week rest. Resume normal activities in 2 weeks.

Take the next steps in your medical journey by inquiring with Healthticket below. Our Care Team will help you to find the right clinic, and get your free treatment plan and cost estimate.
Interested in Butt Lift abroad?
Want and have excess skin, fat, and tissue in your buttocks removed
Have worked to eliminate excess fat and tighten your skin with proper diet and exercise
Do not plan to lose further weight
Saggy rear (need traditional butt lift before Brazilian butt lift)
Step 1 - Anesthesia
Step 2 -The Incision
Your surgeon will make an incision into your buttock to manually remove thin layers of fat, tissue, and skin.
He or she may also tighten your underlying muscles and create sutures deep within your tissue to hold your now-smooth buttocks in a lifted position.
Step 3 - Butt Lift procedure to fix sagging
Upper butt lift
Surgeon will incise across the contours of the top of your buttocks.
They will use this to access the underlying tissue, removing or repositioning any excess for a more attractive appearance.
If you suffer from only mild to moderate sagging, your doctor can excise tissue from the bottom of your buttocks to remove any unwanted tissue and move the bottom crease of your buttocks upward.
Butterfly butt lift
Incision is made from the central crease of the buttock up and outward.
Can tighten sagging tissue, but does not typically reposition or lift the buttocks.
To limit scarring and reduce mild ptosis in the hips and edges of the buttocks, your surgeon can make a lateral incision on either side of each buttock.
Step 4 - Closing Incisions
Step 5 - See the results.
Sending an inquiry is FREE and you
are under no obligation to book
Post procedure care
Understand how to properly care for your wounds, which may include emptying surgical drains or placing sterile gauze. Put on your compression garment, which will cover the areas of your incisions, liposuction, or fat transfer. Be able to stand and walk comfortably.
Learn how to sit or lie down without putting pressure on your buttocks, as this could interfere with your recovery and results.
Possible discomfort
You may feel groggy and disoriented, especially if you have been under sedation or general anesthesia. Your buttocks will also most likely be swollen and bruised from surgery.
Not recommended for
Be in good general health, since you will likely need to use anesthesia and should be able to recover properly from surgery.
Be psychologically healthy with realistic expectations for your procedure.
Not smoke, as this can compromise your ability to heal well from surgery. If you currently smoke, you may be able to undergo butt lift surgery if you can refrain from smoking for a time specified by your surgeon before and after your procedure.
Avoid drinking to excess, as this can also interfere with the surgical process.
Butt Lift