A denture, sometimes called false teeth, is a device that is used to replace missing teeth. This can be used when all teeth are missing, known as a full denture, or to fill gaps where some teeth are missing, known as a partial denture. Partial dentures are recommended for patients with missing teeth, as they help to prevent remaining teeth from moving into the gaps.
Dentures are made of either metal or acrylic (plastic) and fit over the gums. Sometimes adhesive is required to hold dentures in place, however, good fitting dentures should stay in by themselves.
Patients who have had teeth removed should wait before getting a permanent denture as the shape of the bone will change over the following months. The bone experiences resorption, and shrinks slightly, and therefore over time the denture would not fit perfectly. A temporary denture can be recommended.
Recommended for
Patients with some missing teeth (to restore a confident smile, and to prevent remaining teeth from moving)
Patients without any teeth
Average length of stay abroad: 2 weeks.
Creating a well-fitting denture may require several trips to the dentist for modifications. Creating the final denture in the lab may need several weeks.

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Interested in Denture abroad?
Preparing dentures can take 3 weeks or more, but clinics can usually fast-track the procedure for patients who need to travel.
A series of impressions and measurements are taken of the mouth and jaw. This data forms the basis on the initial denture model that is built.
The initial denture model is fitted in the next appointment and discomfort and irritation areas are adjusted. From this information, a final cast is made. The final model is built in the laboratory, and fitted at a later appointment.
Patients who are getting their remaining teeth removed will usually wear a temporary denture for around 3 months afterwards. This is because the bone will change shape after teeth are removed, and the temporary denture may no longer fit comfortably. The final permanent denture is created once the process of bone resorption (bone shrinking) is no longer occurring.
Dentures are made from acrylic (plastic) or metal. The teeth can optionally be made of porcelain.
No anesthesia required.
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Post procedure care
Dentures may feel strange at first, and the dentist may recommend wearing them during the night as well as during the day. It is a good idea to begin eating small chunks of softer food, before slowly returning to a normal diet. It is recommended to clean the dentures and mouth often to avoid infections.
Possible discomfort
Swel In the weeks following denture fittings, it is normal for patients to experience some minor discomfort. This includes a temporary increase in saliva production, tongue and cheek ache from holding the dentures in place, and gum irritation. It is very common to take some time to become accustomed to new dentures, and as such many dentists recommend wearing new dentures overnight for a period as well as in the day.

Dentures are custom made in order to ensure that they fit correctly and are comfortable when in place.
Ready to take the next steps? Make an inquiry and our Care Team will get in touch to discuss your needs and help you find the right clinic and specialist.
Not recommended for
Patients who have just had teeth removed as the bone needs time to heal first
Dentures are used to replace a full set of missing teeth or are used partially to fill gaps from missing teeth.